What about you provides psychotherapy and coaching
to support you on your journey of self-discovery and growth.
Areas covered include:
- Anxiety
- Bereavement, grief and loss
- Career Development
- Leadership
- Depression
- Lack of confidence
- Life skills
- Loneliness
- Personal development
- Relationships
- Self esteem
- Stress and burn out
- Work related issues
Life can be full of challenges
What makes it so difficult for us to reach out for help when we need it? We call in a professional to fix a repair and schedule a maintenance check or an annual service without hesitation, because we know it is necessary. We want the item working effectively and to get the best out of it.
Let’s take the same approach, have the same conviction that it is the right thing to do when it comes to our mental health and emotional wellbeing.
Life can be beautiful and full of joy
We are filled with hope, motivated, energised, inspired, and are able to navigate and
overcome the inevitable challenges that will come our way. Let’s equip ourselves
with the resources we need and put ourselves in the best position to be successful.
You‘ll gain insight, and clarify and crystallise what really matters, and is important
to you. Then set goals and take action to bring them into reality, so you can live life on your terms and be the person you want to be.
Our aim is to Inspire, Affirm, and Empower you.
“I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.” Mahatma Gandhi
All too often we allow others, bad experiences and situations to infect us with their negativity and sap us of enthusiasm, willpower and drive. Together, we minimise or remove the influence of these sources of toxicity and learn how to tap into the abundant and powerful forces of positivity, energy and motivation.
“Happiness is an inside job. Don’t assign anyone else that much power over your life.” Mandy Hale
We are all good at, even excel at one thing. Every, single, one of us. Quite often we are good at multiple things. We just may not know, or recognise it. Together, we’ll identify your strengths and what you’re good at, and build on them. Self-affirmation will became a way of life. Sometimes we need to be our own cheerleaders.
“Don’t look back, you’re not heading that way.” Anon
Wow! You’re looking good. You know what you want, and your strengths. You’re coming into your own. Together, we equip you with the tools to enable you to operate from a position of authenticity, confidence and power. They will be practical and pragmatic. We’re working on sustainable, long term change, positioning you for success.
Access the support
that’s most appropriate for you Psychotherapy and Coaching
Epiphany POD Ltd trading as WAU - What about you